We wanted a visual representation of the amazing work they’ve done so we’ve launched a unique art project.
Victor is a resident at Laurel Lodge and turned 102 on Monday (July 21st) with a beautiful celebration with fellow residents and staff.
We’re incredibly lucky to have been able to provide our residents at Kings Lynn Residential with a completely unique interactive experience.
Our residents took part in a special emoji themed photoshoot. We set our residents the task of pulling their favourite emoji faces.
We have decided to install thermal scanners within our homes to ensure the safety of our staff and residents.
Our staff turned the care home into a tropical island paradise for our residents, with a sandy beach, a paddling pool, decorations and costumes.
Our staff have been taking part in Poems in a Pandemic and one of our staff’s poems has been chosen for the press launch.
Our residents at Park House in Great Yarmouth have created pieces of art to show what the home means to them.