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The Beeches turn bedroom into Wonderland for oldest resident

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At The Beeches our trainee deputy manager Hannah Fulcher went the extra mile to bring a little magic to one of our eldest residents in the home. 

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Hannah took the time to spend some time with our resident Claire, who is 104 years old. Claire struggles with her eyesight and hearing, but despite that is one of the kindest and generous people we could have the pleasure to care for.

Staff describe her as a lady who: “Always treats those around her with love and kindness”. 

Hannah spent an afternoon decorating the walls surrounding Claire’s bed with glowing stars and fairy lights to give her a truly beautiful night sky to enjoy while she’s relaxing. Sensory stimulation is so beneficial and we’re hoping this brings Claire a lot of happiness. 

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Marie Browne, Activities Coordinator in the home told us how impressed she was with Hannah’s actions: 

“Claire always treats those around her with love and kindness.  It was so lovely to see Hannah going above and beyond to make our resident smile and to bring the beauty of the night sky inside for her to see!”. 

We wanted to extend our sincerest thanks to Hannah for putting in so much effort to give Claire a truly unique and person-centred experience. 

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