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Care Quality Commission rates The Beeches Care Home as ‘Outstanding Overall’ for the second time!

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At Black Swan Care Group are incredibly proud to announce that The Beeches in East Harling, has maintained it’s ‘Outstanding Overall’ rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in their latest inspection; which has been published today (17/04/2020).

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We wanted to say thank you to each and every member of our staff at The Beeches who work tirelessly to ensure our residents receive exceptional levels of personalised care. We also wanted to thank our wonderful resident group who inspire us everyday to do new things, and tailor the care we provide to their individual interests and personalities. 

We wanted to thank and congratulate our manager Kayleigh Scarff who has proved herself to be a determined, kind and caring manager who supports her staff to provide the best care possible, and does her utmost to ensure our residents happiness, safety and good health.

This has been proven by the rating which maintains The Beeches as one of the top residential care facilities in Norfolk.

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We held a company wide Zoom meeting so manager Kayleigh could read the report to staff, here is Kayleigh gearing up to make the announcement.  

When asked what her reaction to the news was, manager Kayleigh Scarff said: “I am thrilled that The Beeches has been rated Outstanding for a second time. This is an incredible achievement and my thanks go to everyone involved. This was my first experience of an inspection as a registered manager and I feel humbled to read the many fantastic examples of Outstanding care. I would like to thank Black Swan and in particular Steven, my regional manager, who has encouraged and challenged me to always do better throughout my career. This result is testament to a dedicated staff team and a resident group who we have the privilege to support”. 

Within the report the CQC states that “People received exceptionally personalised care and support which they were in control of […] People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. Staff were kind, considerate and treated people with respect and dignity”.

The CQC inspector took the time to speak to our residents, staff, and residents loved ones. When asked how staff supported them, one of our residents stated: “This here is my home, it feels like it’s my home. It makes me feel warm and safe. I love it here.”

We believe that each and every one of our residents is a wonderful individual who deserves a person-centred approach to care – which is why we provide bespoke care packages as individual as each of our residents.

Black Swan Care Group’s Managing Director Tom Lyons said: “Our care staff work so hard. They are passionate and dedicated to their residents. To receive this accolade at such a difficult time for social care is such a welcome boost. There is so much fear at the moment, yet without these highly skilled, key workers continuing to work selflessly to protect others we would be in a far worse place. My hope is that the sector and our staff will start to get the recognition they deserve. Only 4% of care homes are rated Outstanding, and to retain this rating is an exceptional achievement. This is a fantastic success for Kayleigh and her team. This inspection has helped to maintain Black Swans’ 100% compliance rating, as all our homes inspected by the Care Quality Commission are currently rated either Good or Outstanding.”

Regional Manager in charge of The Beeches, Steven Melton said: “I am so proud of Kayleigh and The Beeches Team. To retain their Outstanding rating is something that very few providers are able achieve. This is so special as I am very aware of the additional pressure that the team were feeling leading up to inspection. I commend Kayleigh for her leadership and dedication to all at The Beeches and am so happy to read that this has been truly reflected within the report. My thanks and congratulations go to everyone”. 

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