01603 507 596   Email: headoffice@blackswan.co.uk


The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 require us as a company that employs more than 250 people to publish specific information relating to gender pay gaps. This information is below and relates to the 5th April 2024 and our 817 employees:

  1. Our mean gender pay gap was 5.5%.
  2. Our median gender pay gap was 0.8%.
  3. Our mean bonus pay gap was 66.6%.
  4. Our Median bonus gender pay gap was 0%.
  5. The proportion of males receiving a bonus was 7.1% and the proportion of females receiving a bonus was 6.9%.
  6. The proportion of males and females in each quartile band is:


Quartile Women Men
Upper (75-100%) 79.9% 20.1%
Upper middle (50-75%) 74.5% 25.5%
Lower middle (25-50%) 100% 0%
Lower (0-25%) 62.9% 37.1%

"As a company, we are committed to ensuring that our staff are not discriminated against because of their gender. We never pay differential rates based on gender, only based on the job role itself or length of service. There are inherently more women employed in our industry and at this point in time 648 of our employees are female and 169 are male. This has skewed some of the data as it has been difficult recruiting many male carers. 95% of our care home managers are female, and 60% of our regional managers are female. To reduce our gender pay gap we are committed to recruiting more male carers and also recruiting or promoting more women into senior management or board level positions.”


Tom Lyons- Managing Director