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Paid training for staff members in Isolation

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We have a number of staff currently in isolation who are unable to come to work and to ease some of the financial burden we’re offering paid training modules to be done at home. 

Each of our staff who have training due in the near future is being offered paper-based training modules which are being sent to their home address.  They are being offered two hours pay to complete each training module due in the near future while they’re off work, to give them a  small bonus. 

We know it isn’t much, but we are doing all we can to try and support our staff who cannot be at work at this time, as much as possible.

We look forward to seeing you back at work in due course and we appreciate those of you who are completing your training at home. 

This will help us long term as it allows us to ensure when they are able to return, they are fully trained and qualified to deal with any situation in our care homes. This enables us to ensure high levels of care within our homes are maintained and our staff are properly qualified. 

We are also offering extra help for anyone who needs it, with our training coordinator Samera happy to go through modules over the phone, and support staff who are struggling to get them done. 

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